
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Unfinished Story book

           Life is an unfinished story book. It has a beginning but has no ending yet. We have no idea what will happen in the next chapter. We can guess for sure but we can only know about it by read the book thoroughly.
        Same as life, we can only guess what will happen next. We hope that something good will happen. Students hope to get flying colors result. Parents hope to see their children grow up healthy and strong. A girl who is crazy in love hopes a happy ending in her love story.
However, don’t you see that besides of just hoping and doing nothing, we can do something to make our life interesting and meaningful. Coz this life, yours, mine and ours is unfinished story book. Don’t get me wrong. I do believe in fate but I also believe in free will. I think fate and free will working as a team.
       Let me ask you. If you step in a book store and there are only two books in a shelf. One is a long but boring story book and another is a short but interesting, and you could only choose one. Which one would you choose? For me I prefer the short but interesting one. My point is, as a human we have no power to control the length of our life span but we still have opportunity to make every single day of our life wonderful and meaningful. I believe that everyone can control their destinies to a certain degree. you can choose to go to universities, work hard and get a good job.
        So people, let’s experience every chapter in our life with patience and passion. And try harder to put a happy ending in our life book. However, always remember that there is almighty power up above so pray for the best and prepare for the worst.

Good Luck Everyone.

Friday, August 20, 2010

First step

Alhamdulillah. Finally..i have enough courage to click on the sign up button in the blogger website. It will be my first step to a long wonderful journey. Insyaallah.
I love to read. Then people will ask me back. So, how about writing? Do you love writing same as you love reading. Yes I am. but then i asked myself. when was the last time i wrote something?(exclude assignment and Facebook status).
OMG... It's been so long. I do a lot of writing when i'm in primary school then i keep writing until my second year wearing a white and soft blue Baju Kurung. That's all. No more after that. Why do i stop? I'm so busy with my life then. with a lot of teenage's life drama,a lot of sick puppy love problems. When I'm entered campus life, i drag my busy life with me. The different is, now i'm busy pushing the calculator's button( I'm an accountancy student) and of course some life and love drama.still. hehe. Drama queen lah you.
Why do i start writing now? It's because of someone. Thanx to you someone. Should i mention your name here? After this lah ya. She is my old friend, my best friend ever, my sister, etc. She mean world to me. oh ya. one more thing. she is my first follower. YEHHHH i got my first follower even without posting anything. haha. so funny. I'm not a good writer. please do forgive me ya. ermmmm.I think i rather said I'm not a good writer YET. Someday i'll be. with some comment and a lot of effort insayallah.